Judy is extremely knowledgeable of the market and the area, kind, tactful in getting what her clients want, easy to get in touch with and above all a joy to work with.
That being said, I don't think I can put into words just how great my experience with Judy was. Be it rain or shine, sunrise or sunset (and even after dark a couple of times!) Judy enthusiastically and patiently met me for showings, answered my questions, and was available whenever I had a question or needed to clarify something. I was extremely picky, looking for a perfect home in an overwhelming seller's market, and though it felt oftentimes that I might need to lower my standards, Judy never faltered in her mission to find that perfect spot and encouraged me that our efforts would not be in vain. As a result of her boundless determination and encouragement I found the perfect home for me and closed on the purchase both under budget and ahead of schedule.
What more could you ask for? I'll just go ahead and answer that for you: nothing. She's the best around.